BLOG 5 October 2023

The Collective Consulting is AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) certified!

We are thrilled to share that our AVD service, which we hold dear, has undergone an audit process, and we are ecstatic to announce that we have successfully obtained our certification!

What is AVD?  


Azure Virtual Desktop or AVD, a revolutionary cloud-based Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) service offered by Microsoft Azure, empowers users to securely access virtualized Windows desktops and applications from a variety of devices, including Windows PCs, Macs, tablets, and mobile devices.  



Why Choose Azure Virtual Desktop? 


In an era where remote work has become the new norm, businesses face the task of ensuring access to desktops both within and beyond their corporate premises. This challenge necessitates a dynamic solution, and desktop virtualization emerges as a compelling answer, providing users with a virtual workspace accessible from anywhere, on any device. This approach not only enhances data security by centralizing storage in data centers but also grants the flexibility to tailor access permissions as needed. 


Desktop virtualization isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; it caters to diverse business needs, including compliance requirements, support for temporary workforces, and the facilitation of specific workloads. 


Key Benefits: 


Flexibility: Access your familiar work environment from anywhere, on any device. 

Scalability: Adapt resources to align with organizational demands. 

Legacy App Support: Keep legacy applications operational. 

Cost-Efficiency: Optimize spending. 

Enhanced Security: Leverage advanced security features. 



Classic Virtual Desktop vs. Azure Virtual Desktop 


Traditional virtual desktop solutions often prove prohibitively expensive due to the substantial hardware and licensing costs. The complexity of managing on-premises server infrastructure further inflates setup and maintenance expenses. User experiences may suffer, especially when integrating Office 365. 


However, Azure Virtual Desktop offers a stark contrast: 


Microsoft manages the server infrastructure, allowing businesses to focus on building their virtual desktop environments. 


Azure's infrastructure, deployed from Azure data centers, seamlessly scales to accommodate fluctuating needs, following a pay-per-use model that ensures cost-effectiveness. 


Existing Windows or Microsoft 365 licenses grant access to Windows 10 desktops at no additional cost 


Azure Virtual Desktop guarantees swift startup and optimal performance for key applications like Outlook, OneDrive, Teams, and more. 


In summary, Azure Virtual Desktop stands as a transformative solution, making remote work accessible, cost-effective, and secure, while offering an exceptional user experience. Embrace the future of remote work with Azure Virtual Desktop. 



Feeling the need?  


As The Collective, we provide this service and collaborate closely with the client to create and implement the most efficient AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) configuration.  


Our process begins with initial discussions to define and refine the overarching designs. Subsequently, we implement the anticipated AVD environment, ensuring a strong focus on security, scalability, and user-friendliness.  


Upon completion of the setup, we guide the customer in adopting the new technology and provide all essential documentation, including technical documents, manuals, and maintenance guides. 


Want to know more? Get in touch!  


Get in Touch

Michael Van Horenbeeck



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